1 head with 3 different
hair styles all in one zip
MeshesUsed are: from left
to right(note C823 only available at SimFreaks.com)
1 head with 4 different
hair styles all in one zip
MeshesUsed are: from left
to right
C753realfine, c763realwild,
c794realhollywood, c721realcurl meshes are from SimFreaks
The Family Pack
Now your Sim Children
can look like mom.
*includes 6 heads 2 different
hair styles each except the young boy
MeshesUsed are: from left
to right
C704realIris, C001(male
child), c765realglam (femalechild), c0A2(femalechild),C001(male child),
734realsculpt, c766realcatc700 meshes from SimFreaks, c001 from Maxis (c0A2)